EnviroKey have prepared hundreds of REFs for a range of transport projects across NSW. Transport for NSW (formerly Roads and Maritime Services) regularly engages EnviroKey for projects including safety improvement work, clear zone rehabilitation, bridge and scour rehabilitation, realignments, shoulder widening, wide centrelines and safety barriers.
Our most recent projects include:
New bridge at Packsaddle Creek and Silver City Highway road realignment, between Broken Hill and Tibooburra
Slope stabilisation work at 26 sites on the Alpine Way between Khancoban and Tom Groggin
Safety Improvement Work on the Princes Highway between Bega and Cobargo
Lane addition and safety works on Kosciuszko Road, Barry Way to Alpine Way
Sealing of the Cobb Highway between Ivanhoe and Wilcannia
Moura Creek Bridge Scour Rehabilitation near Bungendore
Intersection upgrades and vehicle pull-over facilities at nine locations on the Snowy Mountains Highway within Kosciuszko National Park
Intersection Upgrade, Lanyon Drive and Thompsitt Drive, Jerrabomberra